Who We Are: An All Natural Head Lice Removal company servicing thousands of clients for over 10 years.
We offer Organic Lice Removal at our salon, and In-Home Mobile Service. All of our staff members are highly trained, and extremely professional. Our #1 priority is to eliminate head lice quickly, safely, and effectively.
What We Do: We understand that all parents are busy, and when faced with lice problem, their first thought is 'how do I get this taken care of as quickly, and safely as possible?" Just bring your child/adult to us, or allow us into your home or school and we will take care of the rest. We utilize a highly effective combing method that is 100% effective, while using and all natural and organic lice removal products. So many myths continue to surround head lice, including the idea that people who get lice are dirty, or live in dirty homes. Our goal is to educate our community, and help understand that lice is an equal-opportunity parasite.
Affordable Pricing: Magic Nit Pick is a family-run operation providing very competitive pricing, and service to our clients.

KHTS AM 1220 Live Radio Interview
Lucy Papazyan Uhl - President/CEO Magic Nit Pick
Santa Clarita Valley Chamber Spotlight
KFI AM 640 Live Radio Interview
Lucy Papazyan Uhl - President/CEO Magic Nit Pick - All Natural Head Lice Removal Services You need Flash Player in order to view this.
**PLEASE NOTE "HEALTH INSURANCE": Personal health insurance carriers do not deem head lice as a medical condition, and in turn, they will not cover the costs associated with lice removal services. If your company or employer offers a "Flex Spending or Savings Type Account", our services, and all costs associated with our services are likely to be covered, and can be reimbursed in full to you. If you have any further questions, or concerns regarding this, please contact your employer for additional information.